Bosnia, Del Ponte: Former Serb leader, Karadzic to be arrested

(16/2/2002) BANJA LUKA (February 16) - Chief war crimes prosecutor Carla del Ponte has taken a break from the Slobodan Milosevic trial to persuade Bosnian leaders to help bring other war crime suspects to trial. Del Ponte says she is frustrated and unsatisfied with Bosnian Serb officials because they are not co-operating sufficiently with the war crimes tribunal. Del Ponte says she has delivered 16 indictments to Bosnian justice officials here but so far the authorities have not arrested a single suspect. On top of her list are Radovan Karadzic, the wartime Bosnian Serb leader and his military commander Ratko Mladic Both wanted on charges of genocide. After Bosnia's split from Yugoslavia the country was split into a Muslim federation and a Serb administration called Republika Srpska. Del Ponte said: "We for sure know Karadzic is here in Republika Srpska and I ask authorities to locate where he is." The Republika Srpska prime minister, Mladen Ivanic, says he has no idea where Karadzic is. Bosnian-Serb officials say they are doing all the can to cooperate and have recently issued a 30-day deadline to war crimes suspects to surrender.

  • Sondazhi i ditës:

    'Rasti Qefalia', a fshihen gjobat pas akuzave të Këlliçit, Nokës, opozitës?


Lajmi i fundit

Java e fundit e Kuvendit, PS e opozita në limite për ndryshimet e Kodit Zgjedhor! Palët ende në diskutime