Bosnia: Massacre of Srebenica, three suspected, to be presented to The Hague

(16/1/2002)THE HAGUE (January 16) - Three former Serb-Bosnians officers accused for massacring thousands of Muslims in Srebenica in July 1995, will be presented to a single trial, declared UN War Crimes Tribunal. Judges agreed during a pre trial hearing, according to prosecutors demand to unify this issue in a single one. Former officers Vidoje Blagojevic, Dragan Obrenovic and Dragan Jokic are to be judged for the murder of 8000 men and fellows, for the graves crime committed in Europe since World War II. They are accused independently from each other and are to face a great rank of accuses beginning from that of genocide against Blagojevici to cooperation for genocide against Obrenovici. Two most wanted persons by The Hague, serb Bosnian war leader Radovan karadjic and military commander Ratko Mladic are also accused for the massacre of Srebenica.

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