Kosovo: Pristina: "The life of an epoch", tele-serial with 15 episodes, premiere in September 10

PRISTINA (9/6/2001)- A serial with 15 series will be transmitted in September 10 in Pristina. "The life of an epoch", is a project of young Kosovars creators, which cost round 300,000 DM, is financed from the American Office in Pristina and Association for Culture and Art Development in Balkan. The author and producer of this serial Avni Abazi, explaining how this idea was born told that this is the proper situation we are living in and there are realized till now 3 out of 15 planned episodes. The directors of these three episodes are Ismet Sijarina, Agim Sopi and Jeton Ahmetaj. Each episode of the serial "The life of an epoch", treats a particular event of the after war life in Kosovo, with educative and human messages for the society in Kosovo. The technical realizing is made by Studio Vision while the premiere will be screened in September 10, in TV Koha Vision in Pristina.

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    'Rasti Qefalia', a fshihen gjobat pas akuzave të Këlliçit, Nokës, opozitës?


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