Albania: DP in Shijak: Fatmira Hajdari lost in the zone of Azem

SHIJAK (4/17/2001)- Fatmira Hajdari, the wife of the murdered MP Azem Hajdari lost in Shijak as Gazeta Shqiptare says, the DP branch presidency, stated that Fatmira Hajdari did not win the sufficient number of votes to candidate in this zone. The list displayes 4 names: Dardan Domi, Metali Delialisi, Fiqiri Resuli and Bujar Gjuzeli. We have always voted for candidates outside the city, whereas we want to vote for our citizens and intellectual, said leader of DP branch in Shijak.

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    'Rasti Qefalia', a fshihen gjobat pas akuzave të Këlliçit, Nokës, opozitës?


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