Bosnia, Mladic in Belgrade? Contradicted information on his whereabouts

(14/2/2002)BELGRADE (February 14) - The Belgrade authorities have tried unsuccessfully to persuade former Bosnian Serb military leader Ratko Mladic to voluntarily turn himself in to the Hague Tribunal, France Press reports today, quoting sources close to the Serbian Government, cited B92. One senior Serbian official said that Mladic has refused to surrender. "He was told by a Yugoslav officer two or three weeks ago that he no longer has the protection of the army," said the anonymous source. AFP quotes its source as indicating that Mladic is in Serbia as claimed repeatedly by Hague Tribunal prosecutor Carla Del Ponte. However a source in the Serbian Government flatly denied that any Serb officials had been in contact with Mladic. "The whole story is nonsense; it looks like a fabrication," said the source. Similar reactions were received from sources close to the Yugoslav president's office.

  • Sondazhi i ditës:

    'Rasti Qefalia', a fshihen gjobat pas akuzave të Këlliçit, Nokës, opozitës?


Lajmi i fundit

Java e fundit e Kuvendit, PS e opozita në limite për ndryshimet e Kodit Zgjedhor! Palët ende në diskutime