YUGOSLAVIA: Serbia Refuses to Hunt Down War Crimes Suspects Karadzic, Mladic

(26/2/2002)BELGRADE (February 26) - Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic said on Monday that the Serbian government would not risk hunting down former Bosnian Serb President Radovan Karadzic and military commander Ratko Mladic. The two are indicted by the United Nations crimes tribunal in The Hague for genocide and crimes against humanity in the 1992-1995 Bosnian war. Djindjic said in a statement that since the NATO peacekeeping force in Bosnia had failed to secure the capture of the two suspects, the Serbian forces will not risk the lives of Serbian police in arresting and extraditing them to the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) in The Hague Karadzic and Mladic have been surrounded by dozens of armed bodyguards. If they were hiding in Serbia, they would have been highly protected, Djindjic told reporters. The price for their arrest would be too high. In another development, Washington has been requesting Yugoslavia, since last month, to adopt resolute measures to cut Karadzic's financial resources so as to pave the way for his arrest.

  • Sondazhi i ditës:

    'Rasti Qefalia', a fshihen gjobat pas akuzave të Këlliçit, Nokës, opozitës?


Lajmi i fundit

Java e fundit e Kuvendit, PS e opozita në limite për ndryshimet e Kodit Zgjedhor! Palët ende në diskutime