Yugoslavia, Del Ponte accuses: Kostunica obstructs us to arrest Mladic

(8/2/2002)LOVANIO (February 8) - Kostunica is the great obstacle to arrest and hand over Serb former general Ratko Mladic in The Hague. This is the most serious accusation that Hague prosecutor Carla Del Ponte launched today towards Yugoslav president, Vojislav Kostunica, near Milosevic trial, cited by Italian news agency ANSA."We know that Mladic is in Belgrade, we know his address and we have evidences that he is there. It is obvious that Army depends on Kostunica and he is the one who authorises the 80 soldiers who protects Mladic". This was the declaration delivered by Carla del Ponte, cited by ANSA. She added, "Kostunica accepts the cooperation law between Belgrade and The Hague, but this is only a pretext, becuase the bill I have seen impedes the cooperation further more."Del Ponte is firm to increase the pressure upon Belgrade and demands that US Congress Administration acts alike. "I will travel to US at the end of March to discuss the aids for Yugoslavia. Mladic should be transfer to The Hague, but Kostunica, who has the main responsibility does not collaborate." Mladic and Karadjic, two Bosnian Serb leaders, are the most wanted by The Hague.

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