Albanian Olympic Comittee calls for Duka’s resignation after 20 years of corruption and fraud

Albanian Olympic Comittee calls for Duka’s resignation after 20 years of corruption and fraud

The President of the Albanian National Olympic Committee, Fidel Ylli, said today that the Albanian football needs a radical change and that Mr. Armand Duka, the Head of Albanian Football Federation, should resign after being in that position for more than 20 years.

Mr. Ylli said: “We need a regular, fair and a transparent election process in the Albanian Football Federation. It is clear that the officials of the AFF are putting pressure to the delegates to vote for Mr. Duka. As a sportsman I want that all sport federations to have a transparent election process”.  
“Duka has to resign because he has been in charge for 20 years. Platini and Blatter also had the votes, but where are they now?”, Ylli stressed.

He said that the Municipality of Tirana, as a shareholder of the Football Club Tirana, has a right to know how the fund are being spend by the AFF.


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  • Sondazhi i ditës:
    17 Dhjetor, 08:53

    Hapet një tjetër grupkapitull me BE, a po ecet shpejt drejt integrimit?


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