World Bank Loan “IT equipment for Integrated Service Centers of Kavaja and Fier”
World Bank Loan “IT equipment for Integrated Service Centers of Kavaja and Fier”
Invitation to Quote (ITQ)
World Bank Loan/Credit Name: Citizen Centric Service Delivery Project;8521- AL
“IT equipment for Integrated Service Centers of Kavaja and Fier”
Ref: AL-8521/G/SH/2.02.03
1. The Government of Albania has receiveda loan from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Developmenttowards the cost of Citizen Centric Service Delivery Project and intends to apply part of the funds to cover eligible payments under the Contract for “IT equipment for Integrated Service Centers of Kavaja and Fier”; Ref: AL-8521/G/SH/2.02.03
2. The Agency for Delivery of Integrated Services in Albania (ADISA)invites to quote with regard to the items under this Invitation. Price quotations will be evaluated for all the items together and contract will be awarded to the firm offering the lowest evaluated total cost of the items. The prices should be quoted in ALL (Albanian Lek) for the Total Cost which includes all taxes, VAT, customs, duties, inland transportation and insurance, loading and unloading.
{C}3. The full Invitation to quote document including Technical Specification may be requested at the email below by interested suppliers. Quotation may be submitted by official mail, or electronically at the following address:
Project Management Unit
Blvd: Zhan d’Ark,
Ish shtepia e oficerave, Kati V-te
Tirana, Albania
e-mail: [email protected];
and also [email protected]
Interested suppliers may obtain further information at the same addresses.
4. The deadline for submission of Quotation is 30June 2016, 12:00 local time.
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