Albania: Azem's widow: Democrats and socialists can come in my house

TIRANA (9/11/2001)- "Azemi had warned me for a possible attempt on his life, but I had understood that before he warned me, that he was in great risk. He did not even let me enter his car as he had the feeling something would happen to him." This is what Azem's wife, Fatmira Hajdari told for Gazeta Shqiptare. "He was waiting for it every moment." Even former minister Perikli Teta, told him to let know when Azemi traveled in another city. So his life was to be secured during the traveling. Fatmira declared that in third Azem's anniversary, her door is open to Democrats and Socialists, childhood friends who fought with them to bring the democracy in Albania.

  • Sondazhi i ditës:

    'Rasti Qefalia', a fshihen gjobat pas akuzave të Këlliçit, Nokës, opozitës?


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