The health ministers of Italy, Germany, France and the Netherlands have signed a contract with Astrazeneca to supply up to 400 million doses of the vaccine "destined for the entire European population".
The candidate vaccine was born from Oxford University studies and will also include important Italian companies in the development and production phase. Distribution of vaccine doses will begin this year.
"The commitment predicts that the experiment path, already at an advanced stage, will be completed by autumn with the distribution of the first doses," explained Italian Minister Speranza. "For me, it will always be considered a global public good, the right of everyone, not just a privilege for some," the Italian minister concluded.
The global biopharmaceutical company AstraZeneca has doubled its capacity to produce potential University of Oxford vaccine against coronavirus in 2 billion doses.
The Oxford University Laboratory had previously announced that by September there would be nearly 400 million doses of coronavirus vaccine.
The multinational had also stated that its production capacity is for the years 2020 to 2021 up to 1 billion doses and that it has completed the first agreements for the production of at least 400 million doses of potential vaccine.
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