Albania: Spaces on construction of coastal deposits of oil, gas determined

TIRANA (4/21/2001)- Spaces for construction of coastal deposits of oil and gas and their by products will be appointed on bases of a decision which will be issued by Albanian govt.. On this issue, the last government meeting adopted the respective study, drafted by the Ministry of Public Economy and Privatization. This study appoints as the most appropriate spaces the zones around deposits of "Armo" company, the new port of Vlore, as well as the zones of "Porto Romano", and "Bishti i Palles". Based on the legislation in power, preparation of a master plan is needed for implementation of this study. Actually, the coastal deposits and respective installments have had a limited extension and capacity. Albanian gotvt. ratified as well the loan agreement between Albanian Republic and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development as regards the project of national road Elbasan-Librazhd.

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