The Albanian-American Development
Foundation (AADF) - Request for Tende

The Albanian-American Development Foundation (AADF) began operations in November of 2010 with the support and encouragement of USAID and the United States Government. The foundation’s mission is to make a meaningful contribution to Albania's economic growth by making social investments related to entrepreneurship, education, leadership development and support for cultural tourism.
Under its Education Program, AADF has created Junior Achievement (JA) of Albania Organization, an entity that manages an exciting and visionary program. The mission of JA is to empower and prepare young Albanians for the labor market.
Junior Achievement in K-9 is in support of the current K-9 curricular reform initiated by the Ministry of Education and Sports. JA will be the long-term solution for guaranteeing delivery of modern economic education to K-9 learners as integral part of the Civic Education subject. JA is an internationally proven program that we adopt as methodology and adapt as content.
The AADF invites interested companies to bid for printing and distribution of JA 15,280 sets of toolkits for period 2017-2019 in 1,403 schools.

Tender ceiling fund: 21’206’184 ALL
To receive a copy of the application package and other tender documents, please register on our website at and you will be redirected to the download links. For any question please do not hesitate to contact us at; and at
The deadline for submitting tender offers is Oct23, at 11:00 hours am. Offers presented after this time will not be accepted. All tenders need to be submitted in person or by mail at AADF office in Tirana at the address : Str. “Ibrahim Rugova”, Green Park Complex, Kulla 2, kati 12, Tiranë

  • Sondazhi i ditës: 25 Janar, 13:37

    A duhet të votojnë emigrantët që kanë vetëm dokumente identifikimi të huaja?


Lajmi i fundit

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