Albania: Caka demands politic asylum in Italy: I know too much, don't back me

(4/1/2002)TIRANA (January 4) - Lulzim Caka only few days after the capture from Italian police, has become an ordinary super killer, a person with political "immunity". It was a real spectacle the cart of "Political asylum", he used advised by his legal attorney immediately after his arrest. His confession in front of prosecutor did not include stories about different shootings he has performed to revenge, not about the fines he had put to several businessmen, in Albania but only about his links with Albanian policy. He justified his false passport of a kosovan pastor and the pistol he had in the moment of the capture, "the dreadful of Samatica", for the same reason: "I know too much, they are trying to kill me. Don't back me in Albania". Italian confirmation about Lulzim Caka request for political asylum, caused laughter even among the "heads of police". But many others were concerned about this. Although Caka bears at least 10 murders and is investigated for 13 others in Albania, he still continue to be in the cellars of police station of Foggia, waiting for a fast release.

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