Mediat serbe: Mund të ngrihet
Raporti i prokurorit amerikan Clint Williamson, bazuar në pretendimet e Dick Marty-t për trafikim organesh. Gazetat serbe thonë se është e mundur ngritja e aktakuzave për krime lufte kundër komandantëve të zonave operative të UÇK-së, ku spikat ndër to kreu i AAK-së, Ramush Haradinaj, i cili ka udhëhequr zonën e Dukagjinit.VIDEO
padi ndaj Haradinajt, për krime lufte
24 Korrik 2014, 13:05 -
Investigations result in war crimes indictment
The paper reports on the front page that the Special Investigations Task Force led by US prosecutor Clint Williamson has found evidence for war crimes against civilians committed by at least ten members of the former Kosovo Liberation Army.
22 Korrik 2014, 10:06 -
EU diplomats: Thaci should accept that someone else has majority
The paper reports on the front page that EU diplomats in Brussels are worried with the insistence of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) to remain in power or to go to early elections and they believe that such an approach is damaging for Kosovo’s mid-term and long-term interests.
21 Korrik 2014, 13:04 -
Government a hostage to another Constitutional Court decision
The leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Isa Mustafa, who was elected yesterday as Assembly Speaker, may share the same fate as Behgjet Pacolli, who was elected as President of Kosovo in 2011, but only served a very short term.
18 Korrik 2014, 12:07 -
Trafiku i organeve, raporti i ri nga
Hartimi i një raporti mbi hetimet e Task Forcës së Hetimeve Speciale me mbikëqyrës kryeprokurorin amerikan Clint Williamson shikohet si rruga e vetme për të zbardhur të gjitha dyshimet e ngritura mbi raportin e Dick Marty-t për trafikim organesh në Kosovë gjatë viteve të luftës.
kryeprokurori amerikan
26 Qershor 2014, 14:42 -
Moore: Vendimi për Gjykatën e
Drejtori i zyrës për Evropën Qendrore dhe Jugore në Departamentin e Shtetit, Jonathan Moore shpreh mbështetjen amerikane për futjen e Kosovës në Partneritetin për Paqe. Në një intervistë për Zërin e Amerikës, Moore tha se Uashingtoni e mbështet në përgjithësi procesin e transformimit të FSK-së në Forca të Armatosura.
posaçme, i vështirë, por i drejtë
4 Maj 2014, 16:56 -
Germany hails decision on EULEX and court
Germany has welcomed the Kosovo Assembly’s decision to extend the mandate of the EU Rule of Law Mission and the establishment of the special court for war crimes allegations. “Broad consensus in the Assembly is evidence of the maturity and the feeling of responsibility among a great majority of political representatives in Kosovo,” a spokesman for the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs said. He also said that the Kosovo Assembly’s decision is a clear
25 Prill 2014, 13:36 -
Kuvendi miraton Gjykatën Speciale:
Kuvendi i Kosovës miratoi me 89 vota pro, 22 kundër dhe 2 abstenim themelimin e Gjykatës Speciale për krime lufte dhe vazhdimin e mandatit të EULEX-it. Kryeministri Hashim Thaçi gjatë dikutimeve u shpreh se ky do të ishte vendimi më i vëshirë që duhet të merrnin deputëtët e Kuvenidt. Rexhep Qosja kundër Gjykatës Speciale: Mund të shpik rezultate
Do hetojë UÇK-në për krime lufte
23 Prill 2014, 10:42 -
War crimes to be treated by locals too
In a front-page report, the paper quotes Kosovo’s Deputy Prime Minister Hajredin Kuci saying that the Special Investigations Task Force (SITF) will address only war crimes allegations made in Dick Marty’s report and that other issues will remain in the competencies of local and EULEX prosecutors that will be working in Kosovo. Aleksander Lumezi, chief prosecutor in the Appeals Prosecution, said on Tuesday that local prosecutors need to be trained to
16 Prill 2014, 14:39 -
Procedure to establish special court commences
In a front-page report, the paper notes that Kosovo President Atifete Jahjaga has sent a letter to EU High Representative Catherine Ashton with a request to extend the mandate of EULEX and to establish a special court that will look
15 Prill 2014, 13:29 -
Jahjaga: Special Court strengthens rule of law in Kosovo
Kosovo President Atifete Jahjaga said in her letter to EU High Representative Catherine Ashton she will ask for an extended mandate for EULEX and the establishment of the Court of Kosovo with seats in Kosovo and abroad to address allegations made in the 2010 Council of Europe report.
12 Prill 2014, 14:23 -
Rexhep Qosja kundër Gjykatës
Akademiku Rexhep Qosja i është bashkuar zërave kundër themelimit të Gjykatës Speciale në Kosovë që do të merret me gjykimin e krimeve të supozuara të UÇK-së. Kjo është e para herë në historinë politike të Europës, që po bëhen përpjekje për themelimin e një gjykate të tillë, ka thënë ai.
Speciale: Mund të shpik rezultate
11 Prill 2014, 09:32 -
Tribunal is inevitable, better to vote on it in parliament
In a front-page interview for the paper, EU Special Representative in Kosovo Samuel Zbogar said the EU realizes how difficult it is for Kosovo to address the establishment of a special court that would look into allegations made in Dick Marty’s report. Zbogar also said that the establishment of the tribunal is now inevitable and there are two choices: either through the EU with Kosovo’s approval or, if Kosovo rejects the tribunal, then the United Nations Security
9 Prill 2014, 11:06 -
Jacobson: Themelimi i gjykatës
Kosova duhet të dërgojë sinjal se është e gatshme të marrë përsipër për t'u marrë me akuzat që i kanë qëndruar mbi kokë kaq vjet në një mënyrë plotësisht transparente, tha në një intervistë ambasadorja e SHBA në Kosovë, Tracey Ann Jacobson.
shenjë pjekurie për Kosovën
8 Prill 2014, 22:29 -
Kryeministri Thaçi kishte kërkuar
Pas miratimit të Raportit të Dick Martyt, në KE, në formë rezolute, ishte bërë publike letra e Hashim Thaçi që i ishte drejtuar, Sekretarit të KE-së, suedezit Thorbjorn Jagland, nga i cili kishte kërkuar hetime për akuzat e zviceranit.
vetë hetimet për akuzat e Dick Martyt
8 Prill 2014, 15:58 -
EULEX and Tribunal to be voted on as a package
The paper reports on the front page that President Atifete Jahjaga will call on the European Union to establish a special court that will try people for crimes allegedly committed in 1998-1999 by the former Kosovo Liberation Army and
8 Prill 2014, 15:03 -
Parliament pressured by government to establish tribunal
In a front-page report, the paper notes that the government is demanding that the current parliament establish the tribunal for crimes allegedly committed by the Kosovo Liberation Army, in order to avoid a decision by the United Nations Security Council. Prime Minister Hashim Thaci is avoiding giving public statements on the tribunal; meanwhile, his government has become very active on the matter, especially after the recent visit by Jonathan Moore,
7 Prill 2014, 13:10 -
Tribunal before elections, it will focus on Marty’s allegations
In an interview for the paper, Jonathan Moore, director of the Office for South-East Europe in the U.S. State Department, said the decision to establish the tribunal for Kosovo needs to be made by the current legislative. Moore highlighted
5 Prill 2014, 19:04 -
Only justice will be discussed
Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi will meet the outgoing Prime Minister of Serbia, Ivica Dacic, today in Brussels as part of the dialogue for the normalization of the relations. PM Thaçi’s political advisor, Bekim Çollaku, told this daily that the main issue to be discussed between Thaçi and Dacic will be technical modalities to start implementing the 19 April agreement in the field of justice.
31 Mars 2014, 14:05 -
Trafiku i organeve, gjyqi ndaj të
Gjyqi ndaj të akuzuarve për trafik të organeve dhe qenieve njerëzore, që janë subjekt i raportit të Dick Marty, do të gjykohet përpara një gjykate të posaçme në Hagë dhe jo në Prishtinë siç kishte kërkuar qeveria e Kosovës, njofton agjensia serbe e lajmeve ‘Tanjug’
akuzuarve do të zhvillohet në Hagë
31 Mars 2014, 09:54 -
Thaci: Kosovo cannot be compared to Crimea
Russia should stop using Kosovo’s independence from Serbia to justify its Crimea incursion because the two cannot be compared, Prime Minister Hashim Thaci said on Thursday. Russian leader Vladimir Putin criticised Western nations for being hypocritical, saying they endorsed Kosovo’s right to self-determination and independence from Serbia, but now deny Crimeans the right to leave Ukraine.
28 Mars 2014, 12:45 -
Civil Protection to disband once local authorities established
Officials from the Kosovo Government said that the Civil Protection formation in the north will close its premises and hand over uniforms and operational equipment once local authorities in the northern municipalities are up and running. The majority of the Civil Protection members are expected to integrate into the emergency response and firefighting departments.
24 Mars 2014, 13:01 -
Parliament will not vote on Tribunal before elections
Members of parliament will not vote on the international Tribunal, which is expected to try war crimes allegedly committed by members of the former Kosovo Liberation Army, fearing the impact that such a decision would have on national elections.
13 Mars 2014, 14:33 -
Kuçi: Tribunal damages Kosovo
Deputy Prime Minister Hajredin Kuçi welcomed the man investigating the listed claims for a Council of Europe report, which discusses war crimes committed by the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA). He tried to convince prosecutor Clint Williamson that the trial for such claims should be held in Kosovo. “There is a possibility to achieve independent justice, impartiality and fairness in our country,” said Kuçi, who is also the Justice Minister.
12 Mars 2014, 14:20 -
Internationals want Tribunal by June, outside Kosovo
According to international sources, the issue of establishing a Tribunal that would investigate and try suspected war crimes committed in Kosovo was discussed with authorities in Pristina. Furthermore, part of the international community believes that this judicial institution should be established by June,
3 Mars 2014, 11:39